Manufacturing trends in 2021 will be similar, albeit “convenience” might not have been the perfect word. Manufacturing’s ultimate products will remain mostly unchanged, but the methods by that they are created will alter and adapt, eventually become incomprehensible in comparison to procedures utilized even 20- 30 years before. Here are a few technological trends to keep an eye on.
Virtual reality and augmented reality- Are undoubtedly beginning to live up to the hype they have been receiving for years. Such technologies will have a variety of effects on sectors like training as well as maintenance, including:
- “Hands-on” training program — Training, as well as the testing session, can be done in a virtual reality environment, making the process much safer & far less risky.
- Virtual maintenance — similar to arthroscopic surgery performed remotely via cameras, augmented reality can enable maintenance workers to do procedures via remote locations, bridging both skills gaps and improved productivity.
- Greater control on operations – By offering more transparency and awareness into procedures as they happen, both VR, as well as AR, may result in increased efficiency, higher accuracy, and more focused, anticipatory maintenance.
The skills gap persists.
Although Virtual reality, as well as augmented reality, can help close a tiny portion of a skills gap, this will continue to be a problem across industries. Existing and prospective workers must be excellent in the growing tools of industry trade such as robots, 3D scanning, 3D printing, and other IoT techniques and tools, as procedures and demands change.