There are number and number of hotels all across the world. If we only count even top five star hotels all around the world, then also the count will easily cross the numeric of 100. Apart from the top renowned five star and three star hotels there are many more hotels in the world. In a city, you can find a hotel in every third road. If you consider competition, travel and hospitality sector is indulged with highest numbers of competitors.
Each hotel is finding a way to get more and more numbers of check-ins. Almost hotels spend a huge amount of money in advertising and renovating hotel with the latest trend but usually forget the objective for which they are doing it. If you are just walking with the trend and doing the same as your competitors are doing then why one should choose your hotel over others? If you really want to stand out of the competition and set a benchmark for the travel and hospitality industry then you need to think innovatively and have to find a new way that can serve you with an extraordinary space in your business sector as well as audience’s checklist.
How to set a benchmark?
As it is already mentioned that every hotel is busy in spending money for advertising their hotel but here question is what your customers are gaining from your ad? Is just an information about the existence of your hotel and the brand name is sufficient to grab customer’s attention? Answer is “No”. Audiences generally seek for their benefit, not just in terms of money but all amenities that they will get in return of spending money. Every hotel or a property has its own specialty, so try to advertise your property’s specialty rather than just promoting your brand name more and more. Another important aspect that grabs your audience’s attention is the word “OFFER”. Try to give as much as possible offers you can. This is the best way to get new customers for your hotel.
Before renovation you must give a thought, “what your property is renowned for?” There are different hotels, chosen for different purposes, such as business meetings, events, a super cool chilling place. Which type of property do you own? Hence, before renovating your property never forget to consider type of your hotel and try to maintain the theme along with the most alluring look.